If you want to be come a client of Columbia CARES there are a few things you will need to gather before you can begin receiving services. You may call Deborah Due at 931.982.3894 or email to [email protected] to start the process. You will be asked a few questions to help us assign you to the case manager which will best help you.
Once you have the following information together, contact your case manager and an appointment will be scheduled. We can certify you for Ryan White services at the same time you become a client of CARES. You may be eligible for Ryan White medical care, insurance assistance, medication assistance, and dental. Your case manager will discuss Ryan White services with you when you come in for your appointment.
-HIV verification. Your HIV+ test results or labs with a Viral Load greater than 20. -Proof of income, and anyone else living in your household (example: current pay stubs, tax return or social security statement, or we'll have a document for you to sign if you have no income.) -Two (2) proofs of where you currently live (something with your name and your street address on it, mortgage/rent agreement, utility bill, bank statement, or valid driver's license.) Mail items must have a post mark dated within the last two (2) months. -Photo ID, cannot by expired. Your ID must from the State of TN and have your current address on it. Bring your ID with you so we can make a copy. -Health Insurance Card, if you have insurance.